Day 6

Y’all today was the best day of our tour so far. We went to Bach’s other church that he mainly composed for, even though he composed for 4. We had a 30 minute concert, and it was just magical. We literally sang IN FRONT of Bach’s grave. You could say we were a little bit emotional. We got to sing Bach’s pieces in front of HIM. It really hit us as the last chord of Alleluia was sung and rang through the church. It was truly a great beginning to our full day in Leipzig. We then went on a tour of the Bach museum. We saw some of his autograph manuscripts and learned about his family. We even saw some knobs that were originally on the organ that he played on. It was really incredible to see. We then went on a walking tour of Leipzig. Above is a bank that used to be a shopping center owned by a Jewish woman. Here is where shopping and restaurants are as well. It reminded me of Vienna.

Below is the oldest coffee house in Germany, created in 1711. Bach came here to get coffee and so would many other famous musicians. If you drink coffee here and become famous, your picture goes on the wall. So I’ll be back soon 🙂 I had the Schumann torte and the Schumann’s traum. Both were very delicious!! Then we walked to a synagogue memorial. Here was a synagogue that was burned by the nazi’s. 140 chairs represented the neighbors of Leipzig that were lost due to the Holocaust. It was a powerful memorial. I was happy to see it in Germany, and especially on my favorite day of the trip so far. Here was where we sang earlier that morning, Thomaskirche. These were the lights that we have seen all over Germany. I bought one that matched the one Eva and Marco gave me 🙂 They are truly a Christmas decoration here, at almost every house!

We then went to the restaurant Auerbachs Keller. When we were on our walking tour, our guide told us we must be VIP’s if we were eating there. We had a 3 course meal and it was really good!Here is my vegetarian dish.

Overall the day was quite a success. Sasha and I walked around the biggest Christmas market and found some cute things. The restaurant we went to for lunch was also delicious.

Here’s a great picture to end the best day with my best buds!

Tomorrow we visit Potsdam and have our final performance.

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